I have been meaning to get this scanned and up for consumption for bloody ages. Many moons ago I missed out on an Ebay auction for an issue of THEATRE MAGAZINE that featured a wonderful photo spread of the stage production of THE GORILLA. The dark house mystery comedy was immensely popular with the theatre crowd and critics, leading to no less than 3 direct film adaptations. Before Ebay made bidding completely anonymous, the winning bidder realized he had beat me out for the mag and dropped me a line. I am kicking myself that I can't recall exactly who it was but I am pretty damn sure it was Gary Prange. I believe that Gary was gathering research for his stellar article APE FIENDS OF THE SILENT ERA for MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT and he shot me an email mentioning he would be happy to pass it along once he was finished with it. I would have been perfectly pleased with a decent scan but true to his word, he sent me the book we had sparred over and HE had purchased with his hard earned dollars - even paid for the darn shipping. Now you can see why I am feeling like a wee bit of a twat for not having a 100% recall about the act of generosity. Anyhow - check out Gary's article in MFTV #22 and #23, they are still available on the site.

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