Now doesn't that feel better?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Nothing like a perfect convergence of two passions - no, not peanut butter and chocolate, but rather dastardly apes and airborne dirigibles. Why zeppelins thrill me so, is hard to define. Like the fine men who tried to conquer the air in this mammoth, awkward, inevitably doomed form of transport, I am enthralled by the titanic majesty of the graceful behemoths. Never mind that if you get caught by a nasty storm you can kiss your inflatable keister goodbye.
But I digress...
Aeronautic apes..
Nothing like a perfect convergence of two passions - no, not peanut butter and chocolate, but rather dastardly apes and airborne dirigibles. Why zeppelins thrill me so, is hard to define. Like the fine men who tried to conquer the air in this mammoth, awkward, inevitably doomed form of transport, I am enthralled by the titanic majesty of the graceful behemoths. Never mind that if you get caught by a nasty storm you can kiss your inflatable keister goodbye.
But I digress...
Aeronautic apes..

My daughter went through a charming phase of obsessively watching MIGHTY JOE YOUNG for a month or two this past year and gave her loving father great hope that she might prove to be a kindred spirit. I'm thrilled to say that we now regularly watch Monster Movies like THEM! or THE MOLE PEOPLE. When I caught a glimpse of this fearsome face, I was struck by how unlike Joe this beastie is. I must confess, even when the little lady insisted we watch MJY again and again, my enthusiasm and love for the charming tale was never diminished. Harryhausen created one of cinema's most beloved animals -with his hands and imagination. Truly stunning..
My daughter went through a charming phase of obsessively watching MIGHTY JOE YOUNG for a month or two this past year and gave her loving father great hope that she might prove to be a kindred spirit. I'm thrilled to say that we now regularly watch Monster Movies like THEM! or THE MOLE PEOPLE. When I caught a glimpse of this fearsome face, I was struck by how unlike Joe this beastie is. I must confess, even when the little lady insisted we watch MJY again and again, my enthusiasm and love for the charming tale was never diminished. Harryhausen created one of cinema's most beloved animals -with his hands and imagination. Truly stunning..

As promised, more silent gorilla thrills with a still from 1927's THE GORILLA. The shot itself is somewhat lacking, with the fearsome beast slouching and blankly staring at the lens. I have seen other images from the same sitting that are more theatrical than this one, however, I appreciate the opportunity for a nice full frontal gander at this suit.

As promised, more silent gorilla thrills with a still from 1927's THE GORILLA. The shot itself is somewhat lacking, with the fearsome beast slouching and blankly staring at the lens. I have seen other images from the same sitting that are more theatrical than this one, however, I appreciate the opportunity for a nice full frontal gander at this suit.

"Beauty and the Beast",
The Gorilla (1927)
I have a number of early items from THE GORILLA I am planning on posting in the coming days. This still purports to depict a screening of the silent thriller at the Monkey House of the Pittsburgh Zoo - damned if I know whether or not the scenario is genuine but shouldn't there be a screen in front of the trio that constitutes the audience? I assume the shot is somewhat tongue in cheek but pretty weak for my modern sensibilities.
I love the bold graphics of the accompanying poster and the suggestion the titular hairy bugger is one gigantic, ugly bastard.
Now I'm pumped to buy a ticket!

I have a number of early items from THE GORILLA I am planning on posting in the coming days. This still purports to depict a screening of the silent thriller at the Monkey House of the Pittsburgh Zoo - damned if I know whether or not the scenario is genuine but shouldn't there be a screen in front of the trio that constitutes the audience? I assume the shot is somewhat tongue in cheek but pretty weak for my modern sensibilities.
I love the bold graphics of the accompanying poster and the suggestion the titular hairy bugger is one gigantic, ugly bastard.
Now I'm pumped to buy a ticket!

one sheet.,
The Gorilla (1927)
This mag's been kicking around the Gorilla Den for some time now - hell, it was already sitting in the scanner waiting for me to get my ass in gear.
Truly awful title for the photo spread - polka doesn't quite capture the essence of provactive interspecies courting. The text names the gorilla as Scotty Roche, who apparently learned the craft from his Hungarian poppa who also performed a similar act back in the homeland. Scotty's wife, Diane Revere, is the Beauty to his Beast.
I haven't come across any other references to this particular act outside of this men's mag but the duo worked the Sunset Strip and there is likely local publications of the period that mention them.

This mag's been kicking around the Gorilla Den for some time now - hell, it was already sitting in the scanner waiting for me to get my ass in gear.
Truly awful title for the photo spread - polka doesn't quite capture the essence of provactive interspecies courting. The text names the gorilla as Scotty Roche, who apparently learned the craft from his Hungarian poppa who also performed a similar act back in the homeland. Scotty's wife, Diane Revere, is the Beauty to his Beast.
I haven't come across any other references to this particular act outside of this men's mag but the duo worked the Sunset Strip and there is likely local publications of the period that mention them.

"Beauty and the Beast",
"gorilla suit",
Gorgeous George, Kotsonaros was not. This Greek wrestling dynamo has one major ape-man credit from THE WIZARD (1927) but I have a sense there may have been others. The still perfectly illustrates that George had one mean mug and made for a striking heavy.
More about George Kotsonaros.

Gorgeous George, Kotsonaros was not. This Greek wrestling dynamo has one major ape-man credit from THE WIZARD (1927) but I have a sense there may have been others. The still perfectly illustrates that George had one mean mug and made for a striking heavy.
More about George Kotsonaros.

George Kotsonaros,
lobby card,
The Wizard
Oh, sure, it sounds promising, but instead of fiendish , we get fidgety furball.
I watched this Grade Z schlock slog some years ago and was immediately crestfallen over the brief gorilla bit and the fact that it was mostly out of focus.
At least the poster's cool...
Who wants their money back?
Oh, sure, it sounds promising, but instead of fiendish , we get fidgety furball.
I watched this Grade Z schlock slog some years ago and was immediately crestfallen over the brief gorilla bit and the fact that it was mostly out of focus.
At least the poster's cool...

Who wants their money back?

I had entertained the notion of redesigning the family letterhead but I will venture a guess the wife will not allow any damn, dirty apes on her correspondence.
This beautiful piece turned up on Ebay recently - a unique scrap of ephemera from what was reportedly Charles Gemora's entry into the world of cinema simians, although he only created the suit and did not slip into it.
I had entertained the notion of redesigning the family letterhead but I will venture a guess the wife will not allow any damn, dirty apes on her correspondence.
This beautiful piece turned up on Ebay recently - a unique scrap of ephemera from what was reportedly Charles Gemora's entry into the world of cinema simians, although he only created the suit and did not slip into it.

Charles Gemora,
The Gorilla (1927),
I have had the pleasure of seeing various images originating from GORILLA MEN over at MONSTER CRAZY, a superbly engaging horror/sci-fi photo blog but I thought I would pinch an image from MC to hang on my wall.
And where the hell have I been?
Goddamn busy with the BS brutha... a recent trip to the ER for heart palpitations was a nice reminder that the stress and load of my white collar alter ego needs to balanced out with pharmaceuticals and a return to the inane, self gratifying pursuits of old. Time must be made for my furry brethren before the sands run out or I get too bloody old to bother.
With an ever increasing torrent of mind twisting crap that typically occupies my work hours, I feel the imperative to ogle those avid ape men of old and boggle at that the fact that despite the discomfort and misery they endured to perform in those damn suits, myself and others like you, still pause and smile at their monkeyshines.
Be seeing you.
I have had the pleasure of seeing various images originating from GORILLA MEN over at MONSTER CRAZY, a superbly engaging horror/sci-fi photo blog but I thought I would pinch an image from MC to hang on my wall.
And where the hell have I been?
Goddamn busy with the BS brutha... a recent trip to the ER for heart palpitations was a nice reminder that the stress and load of my white collar alter ego needs to balanced out with pharmaceuticals and a return to the inane, self gratifying pursuits of old. Time must be made for my furry brethren before the sands run out or I get too bloody old to bother.
With an ever increasing torrent of mind twisting crap that typically occupies my work hours, I feel the imperative to ogle those avid ape men of old and boggle at that the fact that despite the discomfort and misery they endured to perform in those damn suits, myself and others like you, still pause and smile at their monkeyshines.
Be seeing you.

I'm home for the morning with a sick little monkey so I thought I would take the opportunity to continue on with more pics from BEHIND THE APE BALL. Once again, horribly lame joke, but an interesting shot of Charles Gemora in a very early suit. It's difficult to nail what film it is from but it likely pre-dates RUE MORGUE(1932).
I'm home for the morning with a sick little monkey so I thought I would take the opportunity to continue on with more pics from BEHIND THE APE BALL. Once again, horribly lame joke, but an interesting shot of Charles Gemora in a very early suit. It's difficult to nail what film it is from but it likely pre-dates RUE MORGUE(1932).

Charles Gemora,
I think eluding dinosaurs, giant insects and a temperamental gargantuan ape would have been preferable to the first couple months of 09'. Though my problems are trite relative to the grief many are experiencing across North America and elsewhere, it is hardly consoling when you're in the thick of your own difficulties. Unfortunately, the day to day drama has seriously deflated my efforts to maintain the blog. I thought that the scan posts would allow me to post semi-regularly but I end my days passed out on the couch as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
It also follows that when you don't have the time, a flurry of fun Gorilla Men newsworthy items surface. I want to speak about them in detail but a short synopsis is all I can muster presently.
Firstly, my chimpy chum, Chris (aka Bongo) appears to have solved the Persona Page mystery. After receiving some high res scans of TARZAN stills, the gorilla man spotted the key features of the mystery ape. Somewhat familiar with how the initial suit might be later altered to suit the individual production, Chris makes a very strong case that the ape went toe to prehensile toe with Weismuller. I have not yet been able to do some detailed blow-up comparisons but I don't doubt Chris' instincts; the man knows his Gorilla Men;-)
Second, some fair chap dropped me a line that the apparently unattainable ABC TV film THE IVORY APE was actually available for purchase at SUPER STRANGE VIDEO - two weeks passed and the disc went straight to the player when I arrived home from work. Though far from a classic, the ape is pretty damn cool and Jack Palance steals the film with a powerful monologue that stands heads above the soggy cardboard acting of his fellow stars. More on that another time.
And finally, GORILLA MEN was added to the roster of nominees for a RONDO! I have not had the time to try and muster up any votes or even mention the nomination until now but it is a blast getting the notice from George - Thanks bub!
So - how can I try and get my ass in gear? I have started scanning a goofy kid's book from the seventies BEHIND THE APE BALL that doctors up film and television stills featuring gorillas with truly awful quips. Some are mildly amusing, MOST are definitely not, however, there are a lot of rare images to be found amongst the pages and well worth passing along.
If you happen to know the original source please pipe up and email a tired, busy, aging gorilla man so he can sleep peacefully at night.
I think eluding dinosaurs, giant insects and a temperamental gargantuan ape would have been preferable to the first couple months of 09'. Though my problems are trite relative to the grief many are experiencing across North America and elsewhere, it is hardly consoling when you're in the thick of your own difficulties. Unfortunately, the day to day drama has seriously deflated my efforts to maintain the blog. I thought that the scan posts would allow me to post semi-regularly but I end my days passed out on the couch as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
It also follows that when you don't have the time, a flurry of fun Gorilla Men newsworthy items surface. I want to speak about them in detail but a short synopsis is all I can muster presently.
Firstly, my chimpy chum, Chris (aka Bongo) appears to have solved the Persona Page mystery. After receiving some high res scans of TARZAN stills, the gorilla man spotted the key features of the mystery ape. Somewhat familiar with how the initial suit might be later altered to suit the individual production, Chris makes a very strong case that the ape went toe to prehensile toe with Weismuller. I have not yet been able to do some detailed blow-up comparisons but I don't doubt Chris' instincts; the man knows his Gorilla Men;-)
Second, some fair chap dropped me a line that the apparently unattainable ABC TV film THE IVORY APE was actually available for purchase at SUPER STRANGE VIDEO - two weeks passed and the disc went straight to the player when I arrived home from work. Though far from a classic, the ape is pretty damn cool and Jack Palance steals the film with a powerful monologue that stands heads above the soggy cardboard acting of his fellow stars. More on that another time.
And finally, GORILLA MEN was added to the roster of nominees for a RONDO! I have not had the time to try and muster up any votes or even mention the nomination until now but it is a blast getting the notice from George - Thanks bub!
So - how can I try and get my ass in gear? I have started scanning a goofy kid's book from the seventies BEHIND THE APE BALL that doctors up film and television stills featuring gorillas with truly awful quips. Some are mildly amusing, MOST are definitely not, however, there are a lot of rare images to be found amongst the pages and well worth passing along.
If you happen to know the original source please pipe up and email a tired, busy, aging gorilla man so he can sleep peacefully at night.

Another great one sheet in grand detail from the Universal B pic, CAPTIVE WILD WOMEN. The close up of Corrigan's ape visage is particularly fun!

Another great one sheet in grand detail from the Universal B pic, CAPTIVE WILD WOMEN. The close up of Corrigan's ape visage is particularly fun!

Captive Wild Woman,
one sheet.,
Ray "Crash" Corrigan
Chaney finally speaks in the 1930 remake of the successful silent of the same name. The original outing featured an aged chimp and an undersized set but the talkie employed the services of Charles Gemora as the murderous ape who figures in the conclusion of the film.
The clip below aptly illustrates that Lon's pipes were more than up the task of engaging the ears of film audiences.

Chaney finally speaks in the 1930 remake of the successful silent of the same name. The original outing featured an aged chimp and an undersized set but the talkie employed the services of Charles Gemora as the murderous ape who figures in the conclusion of the film.
The clip below aptly illustrates that Lon's pipes were more than up the task of engaging the ears of film audiences.

Charles Gemora,
The Unholy Three
Here's another nice sized scan featuring Ray 'Crash' Corrigan and the positively wooden Acquanetta as the 'Gorilla Girl'. Also known as the "Venezuelan Volcano", Acquanetta was actually born in Wyoming. I recently watched her alongside Lon Chaney Jr. in DEAD MAN'S EYES, where the lovely lass repeatedly demonstrated she is best looked at and not heard.
Here's another nice sized scan featuring Ray 'Crash' Corrigan and the positively wooden Acquanetta as the 'Gorilla Girl'. Also known as the "Venezuelan Volcano", Acquanetta was actually born in Wyoming. I recently watched her alongside Lon Chaney Jr. in DEAD MAN'S EYES, where the lovely lass repeatedly demonstrated she is best looked at and not heard.

Captive Wild Woman,
one sheet.,
Ray "Crash" Corrigan
The ever entertaining MONSTER CRAZY recently posted this striking piece entitled THE DREAM (AKA KING KONG). Now my inner gorilla geek is bothered that the ape in question is not identified as Konga but I can overlook that considering that we're examining fine art. I thought the work might have been a recent piece but I was surprised that it was in fact a pop art creation of Rosalyn Drexler.
The ever entertaining MONSTER CRAZY recently posted this striking piece entitled THE DREAM (AKA KING KONG). Now my inner gorilla geek is bothered that the ape in question is not identified as Konga but I can overlook that considering that we're examining fine art. I thought the work might have been a recent piece but I was surprised that it was in fact a pop art creation of Rosalyn Drexler.
As early as 1960, Drexler was using the icons of Pop Culture as the organizing subject matter of her work. Images of gangster B-movies, tabloid journalism, and pulp detective novels were collaged directly onto the canvases and then entirely “re-painted” to create the kind of graphically transformed and narratively intensified work associated with the great pioneers of art in the early sixties. Drexler went on to hone her technique to powerfully expose society’s raw nerves in her emotionally charged, ambiguous scenes of sex, violence and the isolation of man in the 20th century.

The recent post GORILLA VS SINDIE VIRTUE got me hankering for more apes and jungle girls. There is a long lineage of jungle flicks revolving around pale fleshed, scantily clad beauties like SHEENA but comics also featured a variety of women in the wild.

The recent post GORILLA VS SINDIE VIRTUE got me hankering for more apes and jungle girls. There is a long lineage of jungle flicks revolving around pale fleshed, scantily clad beauties like SHEENA but comics also featured a variety of women in the wild.

In exquisitely grand detail, here's the poster from PANTHER GIRL OF THE KONGO (1955) starring Phyllis Coates (who is probably best remembered for her television role as Lois Lane). Steve Calvert filled out the fur for the serial though I imagine his appearance is a one-off encounter with the intrepid jungle heroine. The serial was also edited into a feature and retitled THE CLAW MONSTERS.
To view the massive scan in it's entirety, pop over to Flickr by clicking on the image.
In exquisitely grand detail, here's the poster from PANTHER GIRL OF THE KONGO (1955) starring Phyllis Coates (who is probably best remembered for her television role as Lois Lane). Steve Calvert filled out the fur for the serial though I imagine his appearance is a one-off encounter with the intrepid jungle heroine. The serial was also edited into a feature and retitled THE CLAW MONSTERS.
To view the massive scan in it's entirety, pop over to Flickr by clicking on the image.

I became aware of El Desván del Abuelito a short while ago through some fantastic 50's Spanish Sci-Fi comics that were reposted at PCL LINKDUMP. Tracking back to the source of the pulpy four colour delights revealed a Spanish site that was avidly celebrating both imported North American genre entertainment of the past and the local product as well.
The site's purveyor Pedro dropped me a line back in early December but I haven't had the time to give his work a proper nod. In that email, Pedro shared with me his wonderful post featuring the apes.
Below are a few samples - head on over to El Desván del Abuelito to enjoy the rest.

I became aware of El Desván del Abuelito a short while ago through some fantastic 50's Spanish Sci-Fi comics that were reposted at PCL LINKDUMP. Tracking back to the source of the pulpy four colour delights revealed a Spanish site that was avidly celebrating both imported North American genre entertainment of the past and the local product as well.
The site's purveyor Pedro dropped me a line back in early December but I haven't had the time to give his work a proper nod. In that email, Pedro shared with me his wonderful post featuring the apes.
There are some of the covers of an ancient Spanish comic character, Roberto Alcázar y PedrÃn, created by Spanish artist Eduardo Vañó.
Roberto Alcázar was one of the most famous and popular comic characters between 1940 and 1975 (the long, long years of dictator Franco), with more than 1.000 comics published. He was a "Nick Carter" type, who, helped by the young PedrÃn, fought a lot of fantastic enemies: gangsters, robots, mad doctors... and, of course, GORILLAS and killer apes.
Below are a few samples - head on over to El Desván del Abuelito to enjoy the rest.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
GORILLA MEN's resident gorilla man, The Mighty Bongo has managed to sniff out a pungent slice of the aforementioned ALL MEN ARE APES. The invaluable SOMETHING WEIRD VIDEO has posted a cut on YouTube for our viewing pleasure - the ape is most certainly not Prohaska though I wonder if he would mind the shoddy treatment our amourous ape receives from his white goddess.
Happy New Year to all!
GORILLA MEN's resident gorilla man, The Mighty Bongo has managed to sniff out a pungent slice of the aforementioned ALL MEN ARE APES. The invaluable SOMETHING WEIRD VIDEO has posted a cut on YouTube for our viewing pleasure - the ape is most certainly not Prohaska though I wonder if he would mind the shoddy treatment our amourous ape receives from his white goddess.
Happy New Year to all!
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